Just a brief update

  • Just a brief update…

    Hello All,

    First, I want to thank my loyal readers and subscribers who have stuck it out with me for so long. I so appreciate your participation in my studies here, and my efforts to get closer to God.

    Secondly, I apologize for the lack of a post for this week, but in case you missed the note on my pulse; I want to let you all know that I have a second blog. So if you don’t see a new post here on any given week, check here. I’m in the process of learning how to set up the essentials I need to make a website with blog. I want to have a feed running from both this blog and the one above right into one site. That is my goal. I will still have both blogs up, and still be writing in both, but this way, everything I write will be in one place, and at the same time, I won’t lose anyone who has grown accustomed to finding me here or there at the other blog site.

    It’s taking me a while to do all of this, but you can read why here. Btw, you may want to bookmark my other site or subscribe to the feed. Much love. Peace and blessings.